Miley pushes the sexual envelope by kissing a girl during Britain’s Got Talent. It looks likes she’s copying Madonna and Britney. Every singer these days is trying to be the next Madonna, so they try to outdo her. But there can only be one whore of Babylon. The rest are just her Jezebel followers like Miley.
What’s the deal with Billy Ray? He’s more of a pimp than a father. Miley is the goose that laid the golden egg for Billy Ray. I bet you the Satanic, Illuminati Jews Miley works for have already given Billy Ray an indecent proposal for a night with Miley. He should auction off Miley’s virginity like that chick on the Tyra Show. Then he can finally buy that solid gold house. And what’s with his hair? The achy breaky mullet was classy compared to his hair nowadays.
The last CEO of Disney was a Jew named Eisner and the current CEO is a Jew named Iger. It reminds me of the Federal Reserve. I guarantee they are either B’nai B’rith freemason Jews or Illuminatus Jews. I don’t give a fuck if Google cuts off my adsense for pointing out the obvious. I have to tell the truth. These Jews are the Synagogue of Satan just like it say in my bible. If these Satanic Jews get their wish the bible will be classified as hate speech.
Reverend Jacob at Judicial-Inc has had his hosting cut off so many times he’s lost count. I hope this site doesn’t go the same way. As long as the Jews reject Christ’s teachings they will be Satan’s children. In John 8:44 Jesus told the Jews that their father was the devil and that they would do his will. In 1776 the Jews made those words a reality when Mayer Rothschild created the Illuminati.