The Fan clubs are already prepared!!
If you are not part of a fan club in your country, its best that you join one!
Participate in Fan Club Challenge, the contest that unites the true fans of Nelly Furtado around the world!!
If your Fan club meets each of the requisites and is the most creative in completing all of the challenges, they will be the winner of:
* An exclusive Live Chat with Nelly Furtado
* An exclusive acoustic session for the fan club (*1)
* Concert passes to the concert venue nearest you(*2)
Requirements to Participate:
* Get ready to demonstrate how much you love and admire Nelly!
* Be a member of a fan club or create one! (At least 7 team members)
* Register your fan club BEFORE SUNDAY JUNE 13th by sending an e-mail to: nellyfurtado.webteam@arsls.com
* In the email you need to provide us with the following information: Why do you want to participate? And with the basic information about your fan club (Fan club’s name, country, city, president and team members names)
The Fan clubs need to be aware of Nelly’s official social networks and website where the Web Team will be making posts related to the challenges!!
Terms and Conditions
*The Fan clubs that would like to participate, must register by June13th by sending an email to nellyfurtado.webteam@arsls.com
* In order to promote equality in this contest, each fan club can only participate once in each challenge. The fan club needs to select the individuals from their club who will represent them and send only one email per fan club.
*Keeping in mind that all of the fan club members want to participate, they may participate in the other challenges. So that for the first challenge they select 5 members from the club and then for the second challenge they can select another 5 members.
*Each Fan club will have the opportunity to be as creative as they want, but must be aware of the limitations established by the challenge.
*When you are sending your material (pictures, videos, recordings, texts) this authorizes the Web Team to post and share in any of Nelly Furtado’s social networks
*1 Exclusive online acoustic session.
*2 Subject to the tour dates and the fan clubs location.
If for any reason these conditions cannot be granted, the prizes will be substituted for merchandise and autographed material.